During a minister’s conference in San Antonio, Texas, I listened to a young man speak about his ministry in India. He was the superintendent of over 200-plus churches in his country. At some point during the conference, a group of us invited him to join us for lunch. We wanted to hear more about what it was like being over that many churches. To our surprise, he informed us that many of the churches he looked over had less than ten attendants. He told us that these small groups were the only expression of Christ in that area

“Pastor, we do not have enough money to pay the bills!” These are words that every small church pastor has heard at least once in the ministry, and some listen to them more often than others. It usually comes on Monday morning after the money from the Sunday services has been deposited, and it is time to pay the church’s bills. At times, it seems there are more bills than tithes and offerings. Please understand that this does not always happen. Still, if one has a large building or a group of buildings, one will have large utility bills, increasing the chances of hearing the opening statement