
Even when I am wounded, my Heavenly Father sees me as beautiful and takes pleasure in me! (Psalm 149:4)

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My Father loves me just as much as He loves His Beloved Son, Jesus! (John 17:23)

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I walk in continual state of favor with my Heavenly Father and man! (Luke 2:52)

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Because I am an heir of the Father and joint heir with Christ, I do not covet greedily; I see the world as having too much money! (Rom.8:17)

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My Heavenly Father loves me so much that He wants to express His love and affection to me! (John 16:27)

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My Heavenly Father loves me with an everlasting love; I have never not been loved by Him! (Jer. 31:3)

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In Christ

Because I am in Christ and He is in me, I am daily being conformed into His image! (Rom.8:29)

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